There is nothing like a Politician to cause discontent amongst the British public, especially with the whole ‘expense’ saga that exposed a self-severing and out-dated parliament. The political landscape saw voters shifting to independent candidates, who tried to demonstrate that they could usher in a whole new era.
One such figure is Tom Bledsoe, now the youngest elected politician in the land. Newsspeak wishes you the best of luck old, sorry, young chap.
Taken from the PA Newswire.
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A sixth-former thought to be the youngest elected politician in Britain has been sworn into office with a warning about his use of internet social networking sites.
Independent Tom Bletsoe, 18, of St Ives, Cambridgeshire, was told that any inappropriate comments on Facebook and Twitter might breach St Ives Town Council's conduct code.
Council clerk Alison Melnyczuk issued the warning as Mr Bletsoe - who was 18 years and 52 days when he won a by-election earlier this month - officially joined St Ives council by signing a register and collecting an official tie and badge.
"I've never given a councillor that warning before," said Mrs Melnyczuk. "I did it because Facebook and Twitter are such a big thing now and I thought he should be aware."
Mr Bletsoe, who attended the ceremony at St Ives town hall with his father Robin, 64, said he did not think that the warning was aimed at him because of his youth.
He added: "I just think they know that I use Twitter and Facebook a lot."
Mr Bletsoe, who has yet to vote in a general election, said he had no strong party political feelings but wanted to make a contribution.
"People should not vote for parties. They should vote for people," he added. "If there were a general election tomorrow I would not vote Lib Dem or Conservative or Labour."
But Mr Bletsoe, who has ambitions to be an actor or teacher, said he thought national and local politicians who over-claimed expenses had been "greedy" and "ridiculous".
Mrs Melnyczuk said councillors could claim expenses in certain circumstances, but Mr Bletsoe said he intended to claim nothing.
"I would like to think that at the end of the financial year I've claimed nothing," he said. "I'll walk to meetings. I only live five minutes away."
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