Wednesday, 22 June 2016

In, Out, Shake it all about.

This referendum, though called to appease Tories, has clearly exposed the long-standing disconnect between the UK political establishment and the public.
Politicians and the metropolitan liberal-thinking collective (London etc) have failed to engage with the vast majority of workers in the UK, failed to understand their views and concerns (genuine or perceived). And now the UK is at risk of leaving an organisation that has pushed forward progressive ideas and secured workers rights. It does have it faults, but it can only be reformed from within not from a distance.
Instead of grouping all brexiter's together and labelling them as ignorant and racists, there should have been positive engagement to inform, not threats or dismissals but an expression of empathy towards their concerns.
Of course the Right-wing media have promoted their agenda and misled the public but the Left, centre and EU could have done hell of a lot more in order to counter the toxic rhetoric.
Newsspeak hopes the UK remain, but whatever the result, the political landscape will change and that aforementioned bubble needs to start understanding they do not always know best.