Yes readers, it has been a while and NewsSpeak has no firm reason as to it's absence, but the aim now is to update this Blog regularly (whole point of a blog really) and though there will be lapses, NewsSpeak will strive to deliver you interesting, humorous and thought-provoking news you won't find from any of the mainstream news outlets. It's a thankless task, but NewsSpeak takes on this responsibility with a real conviction.
Speaking of which, the following story centres on a upcoming court case in Melbourne, Australia, which features Australia's largest airline' Qantas which has yet to recover from industrial unrest with it's unionised workforce and the drug' Meth now part of popular culture thanks in part to the highly acclaimed TV show 'Breaking Bad'.
Taken from the 'Sydney Morning Herald'
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A VETERAN Qantas airline steward has been charged in Melbourne and later accused in court of using his job to import suspected ''ice'' from Los Angeles worth about $260,000.
Samuel Berl Kaufman, 49, was arrested last Friday in the basement car park of his South Yarra apartment on his return from the US after police received an anonymous tip.
A member of a Victoria Police divisional response unit told a court on Monday that Kaufman was found in possession of about 250 grams of methamphetamine.
Senior Constable James Howden said Kaufman's 17-year career with Qantas had included numerous long-haul flights and he had developed ''connections'' in the airline industry.
In opposing bail, Senior Constable Howden said Kaufman may know people in customs and other ''areas of airports'' that made it easy for him to bring drugs into Australia.
He told prosecutor Ashley Bird that Kaufman, who has no prior convictions, had worked for Qantas as a long-haul and domestic airline steward and was a risk of reoffending if bailed.
He said police executed search warrants on his home and car in which he admitted the latter contained drugs, ice and GHB.
Senior Constable Howden said the drugs were found in a plastic bag with associated items that included an ice pipe, several ''deal'' bags, plungers and empty glass vials.
Along with two small amounts of white powder that tested positive for methamphetamine, Kaufman admitted that liquid in two small bottles was GHB, he said.
Senior Constable Howden told the court that on arrest Kaufman produced two heavily taped, plain-packaged envelopes from his pants he said held cash a friend in the US had asked him to give to someone in Australia.
Kaufman allegedly said he collected the envelopes in Los Angeles that had possibly contained between $US10,000 ($9435) and $US20,000 that he had not declared to customs.
But Senior Constable Howden said the envelopes contained two blocks of ''white crystal'' substance that weighed 250 grams. He agreed with defence lawyer Kelly McKay there was no evidence Kaufman had paid for the larger drugs.
Kaufman faces nine charges, including two of importation and one of trafficking a commercial quantity of methamphetamine.
A Qantas spokesman contacted The Age on Wednesday afternoon to say that Kaufman had tendered his resignation.
Magistrate Jan Maclean yesterday bailed Kaufman with ''some reluctance'' on strict conditions - that included a $20,000 surety, reporting to police and surrendering his two passports - she felt would reduce the police fears to a manageable level.